Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trailer: It’s Finally Coming Soon, People!

The first full-length trailer for the long-anticipated, and so-called “Snyder Cut,” of Justice League has arrived. It is complete with an introduction by the filmmaker who seems more than pleased that his vision is finally getting its due and an HBO Max release to the world in March.

The DCEU Justice League promises to be a different feel, a varied version of what hit theaters several years back. If you recall, the filmmaker had to pull away from the production after the tragic death of one of his children, and Joss Whedon stepped in and completed filming and editing. That film was met with mixed reviews upon its release and there immediately starting being a call for Snyder to get his intended version of the film to have a release. It became immediately known as the “Snyder Cut” and whether it even existed was a source of much speculation.

When HBO Max came into being in the recent past, one of the feathers in its cap was exactly that—the Snyder Cut of Justice League. Fans were beside themselves and now that a full-length trailer has arrived, look for that fever pitch for the film to only grow higher.

The trailer even includes a look at Jared Leto’s Joker, who made his debut in Suicide Squad to mixed reviews—and that’s putting it mildly. Yet, within the framework of Snyder’s view of the Justice League, we’re more than a little intrigued to see Leto’s Joker do his thing.

We also get a first look at Henry Cavill’s Superman utilizing those iconic laser eyes, which surprisingly has not been made such a big deal in past Superman releases since Cavill took over the role.

One cannot imagine how much footage the filmmaker shot that never saw the light of day, judging by this trailer and a few scenes that are already causing quite a vibe in the fandom arena for all things DC Comics. For one, there’s Ben Affleck’s Batman battling the Parademons and Wonder Woman’s Amazons coming together to do their best to stop Steppenwolf from getting the Mother Box.

It’s also impossible not to notice that this is a “brighter” version of the film, as opposed to the oppressively dark version that landed in theaters back in 2017.

Look for Snyder’s Justice League to finally get its day in front of the world court of public opinion on March 18. We. Can’t. Wait.