Mockingjay Part 2 Blu-Ray Review: Katniss Comes Full Circle

It is tough to close out a long running, whether on the big screen or the small screen. For every Return of the Jedi, there is a Hangover Part III. Finishing on a high note that satisfies the need for closure, along with providing a riveting story that keeps you guessing around every corner is a difficult task, and it is one that The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 did masterfully.


The final chapter in the Suzanne Collins page to screen effort is out now on DVD and Blu-Ray. Not only is the film a worthy and thrilling conclusion (check out our theatrical Mockingjay Part 2 review), but the home video lands with over five hours of bonus features that ought to keep fans happy well into the future.

Jennifer Lawrence’s final go as Katniss Everdeen finds her in a complicated position in this revolution against President Snow (Donald Sutherland) and his forces of evil. President Coin (the leader of the resistance, played by Julianne Moore) sees Katniss as more of a potential PR tool to rally the troops, but not one who should be seeing actual combat. Given her experiences in the Hunger Games, Katniss could not disagree with her more. She also knows that at this point the battle is as much a personal war between Snow and Katniss and therefore, to avoid collateral damage all around, she wants to head right into the Capital and face the President herself.

All of these complicated situations are handled with grace and power by director Francis Lawrence, who could not have been a better choice to take over this series a few movies ago and bring it to its triumphant conclusion. Having producer Nina Jacobson also along for the entire ride has ensured a congruency to the entire saga that other film series should learn from heading forward. Not that we did not care for Mockingjay Part 1, but it needed something a little more, and now that we have seen Mockingjay Part 2, might we suggest not only purchasing the final chapter for your home video collection, but also the first chapter of the two-part conclusion and watching these two films together. Mockingjay Part 2 makes Mockingjay Part 1 a better picture and elevates the entire series in the process.

The cast is stellar as Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks, Woody Harrelson and Sutherland rivet and raise their game to bring their best in this final chapter. But it is a surprise that delivers the most emotive punch and that comes from Josh Hutcherson. His Peeta goes through an emotional rollercoaster that shows that the work he did on The Hunger Games saga is merely the beginning for this talented actor.

Of course we all know Lawrence is a special, the actress has won an Oscar and been nominated two other times. She too elevates the material and by the time the film’s credits are rolling, it’s hard to imagine anyone else playing this character and what a struck of luck that producers found her in the first place when they were casting this series way back when.

When it comes to bonus features, we have to start by saluting the two-hour plus documentary (that reminds us of the care that was put into a similar doc for the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu-Ray).

Pawns No More: Making The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 is an 8-part documentary that delves deep into the making of the film, but also reminds us of where we’ve come from in terms of the story that was began with the first The Hunger Games films several years ago. The doc covers everything from cast and filmmakers thoughts on the entire series, and especially the final chapter, to production design planning, costumes, hair, make-up, special effects, post production to death-defying stunts that are beyond jaw-dropping. Heck, just check out the titles of the eight-part doc and it could not be more of an appealing draw for fans and those who are new to the series: Walking Through Fire (Concluding the Saga), Real or Not Real (Visual Design), High-Value Targets (The Acting Ensemble), From Head to Toe (Costume, Make-up & Hair), Navigating the Minefield (Production in Atlanta, Paris & Berlin), Collateral Damage (Stunts, Special Effects & Weapons) and Tightening the Noose (The Post-Production Process.)

One of the most incredible moments of the entire two-hour-plus documentary is a piece that chronicles the final day of shooting. To say that it was emotionally powerful is a gross understatement. We feel the sadness and simultaneous joy and pride that each member of this crew and cast feels with the realization that this is it. There are no more The Hunger Games scenes to film. Yes, prepare to watch this particular segment with a few tissues on hand.

Given that this is a moving image medium, one of the biggest surprises to be found on the Mockingjay Part 2 Blu-Ray is The Hunger Games: A Photographic Journey. There is something about that old adage about a picture is worth a 1,000 words and that is no more clear on this featurette that takes us through a color, and black and white, still photo journey of the making of the entire series. It is intense to say the least.

Given Jacobson and Lawrence’s long-time involvement in the entire series, their audio commentary for Mockingjay Part 2 is chock full of intense insight that goes beyond a simply reflection on the making of a single movie. They brilliantly comment on the creative process for Mockingjay Part 2, but it is all in the context of the entire series, which elevates the commentary track beyond the usual “this is how we did this and that” insight.

Film: A-
Bonus Features: A+