
Joseph Fiennes has never shied away from tackling roles of profound importance, heck he played The Bard in Shakespeare in Love. His latest, Risen, finds him portraying Clavius, the Roman military man charged with overseeing and investigating the events following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Risen is a fascinating and […]

Risen Exclusive: Joseph Fiennes Calls Christ Tale a “Detective” Drama

The leading men of Pride & Prejudice & Zombies — Matt Smith, Jack Huston and Douglas Booth –know a thing or two about the world of classical literature brought to screen. The three are classically trained British actors who have tackled pitch perfect period prose in period costumes before and each clearly saw […]

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies Exclusive: Meet the Men!

Believe it or not, Hail, Caesar! has been on the minds of the Coen brothers for years. That’s hardly surprising given the prolific filmmaker’s adoration for all things Hollywood. “After O Brother, Where Are Thou? [the Coen brothers] pitched me this movie called Hail, Caesar! in which one of the […]

Hail, Caesar! Cast Chats Coen Brothers’ Hollywood Love Letter

British actresses Bella Heathcote and Lily James fulfilled a lifetime dream of playing a couple of the most famous Jane Austen heroines on the big screen — Elizabeth and Jane Bennet — but with a distinct twist. The two star in the adaption of Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride & Prejudice & Zombies and […]

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies Exclusive: Lily James & Bella ...