Charlie’s Angels 4K and Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle Blu-Ray Review: Good Morning, Angels!

Both Charlie’s Angels films from the 2000s have finally been given the eye-candy upgrade that the gorgeous and talented stars of those action flicks deserve. That’s right, Charlie’s Angels is now out on 4K Blu-Ray for the first time and making its Blu-Ray debut is the sequel, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle.

Charlie’s Angels arrived in 2000 and updated the iconic television series with three impeccably cast leads—Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu. All three were integral in the making of the movie, especially Barrymore who also wore the producer’s hat. The film struck that balance between action, thrills and comedy and was made all the easier by the casting of Bill Murray as their loyal (practically) leader, Bosley. The story follows a villain who has Charlie and the Angel’s firmly in the crosshairs. The terrific trio must dig deep and undercover every stone possible to stop their fearless (and anonymous) benefactor from being assassinated.

An early Sam Rockwell pulls double duty as a software genius and an alter ego, Eric Knox and John McKenn. The film also features Kelly Lynch’s Vivian Wood, who is not the most helpful person in the world, if you know what I mean?! Crispin Glover also shined in a role that must have been written for him, known only as Thin Man. Then, there’s icon Tim Curry as Roger Corwin … what more can be said about this casting?! It’s brilliant.

Oh, cannot forget then-husband of Barrymore Tom Green as “The Chad,” or just Chad.

The film’s transfer to 4K is nothing short of epic, especially visually. The film was already shot by McG in a glorious color spectrum that was just begging to be brought into 4K. The colors pop but are not exploding off the screen (that is a very good thing). It’s the movie (aesthetically) that the helmer wished us to see on the home video realm that can finally be realized with the technology employed in this Blu-Ray upgrade. For example, every time there is a blue sky in a shot (yes, it happens frequently given that the film was shot and takes place in California), have you ever seen blue captured like that on a home video, except standing under the Californian sun in person?

McG had a look employed with the first Charlie’s Angels that I believe was as much a part of the film’s success as the three leads, Murray’s Bosley or the plot itself. There was a feel to it visually that was not present at the time with other turn of the century films. With the 4K release, frankly, I feel as if Charlie’s Angels is being seen as it was meant to be seen two decades ago. Want contrast? Anytime there are the extreme colors of the spectrum—black or white—notice the gradient depth and contrast of each hue that was way ahead of its time, cinematically.

The audio is equally as crisp with that brand-new Dolby Atmos soundtrack, it also includes the option for the 5.1 sound option with which it was originally released.

The 4K Blu-Ray of Charlie’s Angels includes a never-before-look at the new Elizabeth Banks’ starring and directed Charlie’s Angels. Check Out the New Charlie’s Angels is a nifty little two-minute-plus scene from the film that finds the Angels at a horse racing track. Love the get-up, Kristen Stewart!

Additional bonus features are the same ones that were included on the Blu-Ray release and include a must-listen commentary track with director McG and cinematographer Russell Carpenter. It’s especially fascinating to hear them discuss the look of the film, given the 4K upgrade.

There are also six quite interesting featurettes on the making of Charlie’s Angels that further illustrate how brilliant the collective of all these artists coming together and crafting that was simultaneously something that triumphantly stood on its own and was a love letter to the envelope-pushing TV series.

Also, check out those early in the decade music videos (including Destiny’s Child’s iconic theme, Independent Women, Part 1).

Now, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle makes its Blu-Ray debut and first of all, it includes both the theatrical and unrated versions of the 2003 sequel. The sequel is still very much enjoyable, but not nearly as well crafted as the first film. That being said, the Blu-Ray upgrade is still something to treasure and you will want both of these titles in your home video collection.

There’s a new Bosley (the late, great Bernie Mac), and the addition of a so-called “fallen angel” (nice plot touch), played by Demi Moore and the return of the Thin Man (Glover)! Also joining the action is Justin Theroux and Robert Patrick (of T2 fame).

The story follows the Angels as they try to track down someone who has stolen a database that contains names and addresses of folks in witness protection.

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle features some memorable moments, a number of well crafted action sequences, but the big selling point here is the same as it was in the first film—the onscreen chemistry of Barrymore, Liu and Diaz. I could watch these three ladies all day every day and it would be joyous. Witnessing the behind the scenes bonus features further enhances that fact, adding in the shorthand everyone has with director McG.

This title also contains that horse track scene clip/tease from the new Charlie’s Angels. For those who think they know everything there is to know about the titanic trio, check out the movie with the Angel-Vision Trivia Track turned on. One of your viewings should also look to have the Telestrator Commentary with Director McG for further insight into the nuances of following-up a successful reboot film with a sequel. In that vein, the writer’s commentary is also an interesting angle on crafting a Charlie’s Angels 2.

Having fun with the sub-title of this flick, Full Throttle: The Cars of Charlie’s Angels introduces us too all the vehicles that pop off the screen in the 2003 sequel. Another bonus feature highlight is Dream Duds: Costuming an Angel which is pretty self-explanatory. Given what we’ve seen from that Charlie’s Angels trailer that teases the new one, that closet has and always is an important asset to the Townsend Agency!

Speaking of costumes, check out Turning Angels into Pussycats Dolls for an inside look at how the classic dance sequence was achieved.

The rest of the don’t miss extras include Angels Makeover: Hansen Dam, Designing Angels: The Look of Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, Learn Why: There’s No Such Thing As a “Short Shot”, Only an Overworked Producer, the music video for Feel Good Time from Pink featuring William Orbit, as well as a delightful Cameo-Graphy, the Full Throttle Jukebox and a delightful addition I’ve never seen on a bonus feature before, Angel Scouts: A Look Into the Gorgeous Locations, which gives us a birds eye view of all the stunning locales for the successful sequel.

Charlie’s Angels 4K Upgrade Grade: A-
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Blu-Ray Grade: B