Men in Black International DVD Review: A Bevy of Brilliant Bonus Features

If there was a franchise that had been dormant for a while that could use a shot in the arm it is Men in Black. It is such a wildly original world and expanding its universe would not even be that hard. Thus far, we’ve just seen Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones—based in New York City—in their efforts to secure our planet against all aliens wishing us humans harm. It may have taken awhile, but Sony has got themselves something special with the idea that there are other MIB outlets across the globe with Men in Black: International.

Specifically, our MIB action heads to London and they could not have chosen two better actors to fill out those sharp black suits—Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson (reunited after starring together in Thor: Ragnarok and of course, Avengers: Endgame). Thompson plays a newbie, Agent M, who knew all about this world at an early age. Her parents were visited by aliens, and then the MIB, who erased their memory of the event, but didn’t notice that Thompson’s little girl (at the time) was upstairs watching the entire thing. Fast forward a few decades and she has finally found the MIB and their New York HQ. Emma Thompson’s Agent O sees something in her and immediately puts her to work … and it might just be on the MIB’s most important case—there’s a mole in the lauded organization whose entire existence is held on by the most fragile of concepts, secrecy.

Agent O sends the newly monikered Agent M to London where she is to team up with Agent H (Hemsworth) and work under the guidance of his boss, Agent High T (Liam Neeson). Along the way, they pick up a little help in the form of scene stealer Pawny (voiced by Kumail Nanjiani). The tiny alien is hilarious and honestly, the best thing about the entire film. You can see for yourself now that Men in Black: International is out on Blu-Ray, DVD and digital download. The Movie Mensch got the DVD for review and our thoughts on those coveted bonus features are below.

When it comes to the film itself, for a deeper look at our thoughts, head over to our theatrical Men in Black: International review. In short, although Thompson and Hemsworth are sensational together (as they were in the Marvel world), the script cannot rise to the occasion that is this wickedly wild original idea of an expanded MIB universe. Even Neeson does his best (and Emma Thompson as well), but it just never quite takes off. Fans of MIB will find it entertaining, for sure, just not mind-blowing.

What puts the film over the top for home video is those DVD bonus features that work like a “how’d they do that?” clinic.

Directing this time out (the original trilogy’s director, Barry Sonnenfeld stays on as producer) is F. Gary Gray. The helmer of The Fate of the Furious, Straight Outta Compton and The Italian Job does his best as well. Let’s just say that we hope that enough people discover the film on home video, so we get a sequel because all involved deserve it.

New Recruits, Classic Suits could not have a better title for a bonus featurette for the Men in Black world. The cast discusses the finer points of … well, itself! With insight provided by both Thompsons, Hemsworth and Neeson, the stars of MIB: International wax poetic about the joy of donning those iconic suits and being a part of this universe that is so beloved by film fans everywhere.

Let’s Do This! Inside the Action & Stunts does have something special that works brilliantly and that is the action sequences. This featurette takes viewers inside the making of those mind-blowing moments and sheds a wee bit of light into how that movie magic was achieved. Have always loved the work of Gray, but what we see achieved on this particular behind-the-scenes look only increases my already sky-high opinion of the helmer.

That world building that is so important to this fourth flick in the series gets the spotlight in Expanding the Universe of MIB. By heading out of New York (even America for that matter), the world of MIB ups the ante with international locales (including a terrific look at the work they did in Marrakesh) and wildly original aliens. Gray (smartly) utilized practical sets whenever possible and the importance of that is only enhanced by this featurette.

Gag Reels are always enjoyable, especially if those charged with putting together the bonus features keenly knows that less is more with these things. The Men in Black: International Gag Reel clocks in at a pitch perfect two-minutes and thirteen seconds.

Look Right Here: Gadgets, Weapons, & Rides explores another facet of the MIB world that gets enhanced—the tech, from cars to weapons and of course those toys, er, I mean gadgets. Get the scoop on those legendary Neuralyzers to the sensational souped up Jag, this featurette will have you wanting a few of these new upgrades for yourself!

Frank, you remember the Pug from the previous films, and Pawny (Kumail’s cute character) get their own featurette as Frank & Pawny’s Peanut Gallery gives viewers insight into two aliens whose cute looks can often be deceiving.

Les Twins Leave It on the Floor is a supremely welcomed bonus feature that I was beyond thrilled to see was on the list of extras for Men in Black: International. The dance sensations, known as Les Twins, give viewers a front row seat to how they came up with their especially awesome moves—given the fact that they are not simply dancing, they are dancing aliens!

If you watched any of the NBA playoffs, then you will know that the movie’s stars were frequently seen opposite some of pro basketball’s best. The MIB Meet the NBA shows off all those memorable moments.

Lastly, In Case You’ve Been Neuralyzed: MIB Recap finds Frank the Pug taking us through the entire four-film franchise in under four minutes.

Film Grade: B-
Bonus Features: B