Dumbo Trailer: Disney’s Classic Looks to Soar in Live Action

The latest trailer for Disney’s Dumbo has arrived and several things are striking. First of all, I’m way more excited for this film that I ever thought I could be—and that is credit to a fantastic trailer.

Secondly, this is so clearly a Tim Burton film and as such, that too will put me first in line to see it—the man’s a genius of the fantastical and I cannot wait to see what he does with the iconic Disney story that practically everyone knows.

The film centers on Danny DeVito’s circus owner. He finds himself needing the help of a former circus stand-out (played by Colin Farrell) and his kiddos to take care of a baby elephant at his circus. Sure, why not? Right?!

The cutie pie is a little different than other elephants—his ears are enormous! And after a big ole sneeze, shown in the trailer above, he takes flight. Like seriously flies several feet off the ground. Then begins a powerplay for what should be done with this circus baby elephant that could easily become the biggest draw in touring circus history.

Dumbo also stars Eva Green, Finley Hobbins, Alan Arkin, Michael Keaton and Nico Parker.

Look to take flight on March 29, 2019.