Glass Trailer: They Always Underestimate the Mastermind

The latest (and greatest) Glass trailer has landed and it sure elicits chills.

The sequel to Split and Unbreakable finds our heroes and villains from those two films coming together—Bruce Willis’ heroic David Dunn, James McAvoy’s evil Kevin Wendell Crumb (aka The Beast) and Samuel L. Jackson’s Elijah Price (aka Mr. Glass, or as we learn in the below teaser, he is The Mastermind.

M. Night Shyamalan is back and in a big way. A few Januarys ago, audiences were treated to a sick and delightful twisted mystery featuring McAvoy’s multi-personality killer in Split. By the close of that picture, one of Shyamalan’s notorious twists had revealed that Crumb lives in the same world as Dunn and Mr. Glass.

Now, you’re talking.

The trailer has us thinking that this is a filmmaker that, after a few stumbles, has found his mojo again and is producing at the top of his abilities. He, in my opinion, was always one of our best filmmakers, what with the magic he weaved with The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs and his “found footage” flick of 2015, The Visit.

Cannot wait for January 18, 2019 for the showdown to begin. Also, great addition of Sarah Paulson as Dr. Ellie Stample, a scientist whose expertise involves working with folks who think they are living out of a comic book. Think she has her hands full with these three?!