Glass Trailer: M. Night Shyamalan’s Split & Unbelievable Sequel

When those Glass images first premiered last week, the chills were multiplying. Now that M. Night Shyamalan has premiered his initial trailer for his latest film at Comic-Con, we can say that 2019 already has its most anticipated movie. Won’t have to wait too long into the next year to see it—Glass premieres January 18 of 2019.

The Glass teaser finds the characters of the filmmaker’s Unbreakable—Bruce Willis’ David Dunn and Samuel L. Jackson’s Elijah Price, aka Mr. Glass—finding that they exist in the same world as Split’s evil Kevin Wendell Crumb, aka The Beast (played miraculously by James McAvoy).

We adore the approach here to introducing this universe combining film by the introduction of Sarah Paulson’s psychiatrist character. She lets us know that there is a budding field of study in her world that looks at souls who believe they are superheroes or at least live in a superhero/comic book world. All three of her patients, Price, Dunn and Crumb are front and center in a group session and lets us know that the fun is just commencing.

Not one for the hurrying of the passing of time, but the release date for Shyamalan’s latest could not come soon enough.