Allegiant: Shailene Woodley, Theo James & Zoe Kravitz Dish Third Divergent Drama

After unleashing Divergent and Insurgent on audiences, the cast could not be more excited for fans to witness Allegiant. We caught up with stars Shailene Woodley, who is back as Tris, as well as Theo James (who plays Four) and Zoe Kravitz, back as Christina, to talk about the latest in the series.


We started by asking Woodley how making this film was different for her, personally, than the first two. “This film felt like it required much more trust then the other ones did because so much of it was special effects,” Woodley admitted.

It is so true. As you can see from this Allegiant trailer, Tris and her band of rebels have decided to scale the wall that surrounds Chicago and for the first time in centuries, head out into the unknown to discover who or what else is out there. What they find, is a landscape led by Jeff Daniels’ David… and so much more.

For the actors, it was a challenge to truly act opposite things that were not there. The first two films we shot on real streets and had somewhat limited CG works. Not so with Allegiant, where an entire futuristic landscape had to be imagined. “For example, the bubble ships and the new world. We didn’t know exactly what movie we were making until we saw it in its final form. The first two films where located in Chicago and this film takes place in a completely free environment,” Woodley said. “Relating to that while trying to figure out how to be in a dress and still represent the badass that’s in her was a challenge!”

For James, it was that aspect, but it was also the splitting up of the final book in Veronica Roth’s series. “Well, on a practical note you are turning one story into two movies. There are certain structural things to get over that can be difficult at times,” James said. “I guess the big thing narratively, is that they are leaving this space that’s in the Chicago area then going outside and there are these big changes. It’s a question of genetic warfare & genetic supremacy.”

James raises an interesting point that should clue fans into the battle that exists in this Divergent world. It all comes down to genetics and who are the pure, versus not-so-pure, souls that inhabit this world and what rights do each group have or don’t have.

Kravitz found the new technology that the characters of the Divergent series was exposed to was quite impressive and showed the vastness of Roth’s imagination. For her, she wasted no time in answering which of the tech items in the film world she would want to be real. “This kind of a gadget when Tris is able to see through her mother’s eyes,” Kravitz said. Witnessing the world through a parent’s eyes would be quite powerful.

“I could imagine how that would be emotionally. Especially if you’ve lost someone that you loved. That would be a very beautiful, beautiful thing.”

The key to this entire franchise when it comes to the fan appeal, above all else, is the relationship between Tris and Four. For the actors who play them, getting to work together for a third time found their personal relationship mirroring the onscreen one in that Woodley and James are learning more and more about each other.

“It’s good that Theo and I weren’t very comfortable around each other in the first film as much, because Tris and Four weren’t very comfortable around each other,” Woodley said. “Theo and I know each other a lot better now than we did three years ago.”

James concurs. ”Luckily, I’d say for both Shai and I, we’re the type of person it takes a while to know. That isn’t a bad thing or a good thing. Luckily, it works for this because you’re kind of growing and getting to know the person still with the time that goes on, which is lucky in a way,” James said. “I know that sounds obvious, but I still feel like we’re getting to know each other as friends as each year goes on. It’s very easy in that way.”

Woodley reported that as their characters closeness bonds them closer, so too have the pair off screen. “At this point in their relationship, they should be very comfortable, because they’ve been to together for a while and they’ve experienced so much. Theo and I have as well, as far as really having each other’s backs and being partners in leading these ships,” Woodley said.


Having him by her side has also helped with a change in the director’s chair from the first film, after Neil Burger stepped aside after Divergent. “It’s really nice to have gone from one director to then Robert Schwentke, to now another director (for the final film) and the constant within all of those things has been Theo, and for him, me,” she admitted. “So we can check in with each other and we both have similar views on how we think that the movies should be told as far as retaining the Veronica Roth integrity. It’s nice to have a comrade in the cause.”

As their relationship has grown closer, Woodley was asked what surprised her most about James. “He’s so funny. Theo James is so funny. He’s got that perfect British humor that us as Americans could never dream of coming close to experiencing on our own,” Woodley said.

“He’s maybe the funniest (expletive) I’ve ever met.”