Race Exclusive: Shanice Banton Explores the “Tremendous Inspiration” of Jesse Owens

Shanice Banton (who first grabbed our attention on the hit show Degrassi) is cherishing the role of a lifetime in Race. In the riveting and emotionally powerful Jesse Owens biopic, Banton plays Ruth, the iconic runner/barrier breaker’s soulmate.


Banton sat down for an exclusive interview with The Movie Mensch where she talks about diving into the world of Jesse Owens, what most impressed her with both the real legend, as well as the extraordinary talent that plays him, Stephan James. Banton and James aren’t the only two who wow in Race, but comic actor Jason Sudeikis shows some serious skills in a dramatic role and Banton reveals Sudeikis’ surprising hidden talent!

Race tells the story of Owens, from his early days running track for Ohio State University and the social, personal and cultural hurdles he had to overcome just to be taken seriously as what he was – the fastest man alive. The Stephen Hopkins directed biopic then firmly shines a light on the events surrounding the 1932 Berlin Olympics and how Owens’ participation changed the world and shocked the Nazis to their core.

The Movie Mensch: How much did you know about Mr. Owens before diving into this project and what did you learn about him since being a part of this film that most impressed you?

Shanice Banton: Before I auditioned for the role, I didn’t know who Jesse Owens was at all. I then got to know as much as I could before shooting began, and even once we started prepping officially, I continued to learn more and more about him. From his personal life, to his accomplishments, and all of the obstacles he faced before, during, and after competing in the Olympic Games.

The Movie Mensch: How did you get to know the real Ruth? Did you get to talk to any of her kids/relatives? How did that inform your characterization?

Shanice Banton: I didn’t get too speak with any of Ruth’s kids or relatives, although I did spend a lot of time with  our director Stephen Hopkins who really gave me a lot of information about her background & her family life. Those sessions gave me a better idea of who she was and how I was going to find her within myself, and portray her as authentically as possible. Coretta Scott King was an inspiration for Ruth as well.


The Movie Mensch: What most impressed you about her?

Shanice Banton: What impressed me the most about Ruth was her belief in Jesse’s dreams. She motivated him, encouraged him, and was selfless through it all. Not for one second did she doubt him. She knew where his heart was, and she just wanted him to follow it. True love. True compassion.

The Movie Mensch: The film rides on Stephan James’ shoulders, you got a front row seat to working with him. What makes him so special?

Shanice Banton: What makes Stephan so special is his love, passion, and commitment to the craft. He is a very focused and humbled individual who takes his work very seriously. Not only is he a great talent, but he is also a really great guy, and you just can’t deny greatness.

The Movie Mensch: What was your “best day” on the Race set and why?

Shanice Banton: All my days on set were incredible, honestly. It’s hard to choose one, but I will have to go with one of the days that I stayed on set for one of the night shoots. It was nice to be behind the scenes for a little while!

The Movie Mensch: This film is as resonant today as it was when Mr. Owens went to Berlin… do you agree and how so for you does it still resonate?

Shanice Banton: I agree. The film is just as resonant today. Obstacles and hardships are a part of life; sometimes so much so that when we are faced with them we believe that they are the finish line for us. Things and people will always try to get in the way of our dreams, and desires. Everyone can learn from Jesse’s story. He had his doubts, but in the end he pulled through, and he kept going. We can all relate to his story. This movie is a tremendous inspiration for me in more ways than one, so I hope it is also an inspiration to others.

The Movie Mensch: Stephen Hopkins directed this film with such an even hand and truly brought all of the elements together, from the Olympic scenes to the power of the prose… what was your biggest take away from him as a helmer?

Shanice Banton: My biggest take away from Stephen as a helmer was his drive to complete his vision. In post- production He realized there was a very important moment that he hadn’t included prior. He made it his mission to get us back on the set to add a very important scene between Jesse and Ruth, and It really helps the audience experience more of their relationship together.

The Movie Mensch: Jason Sudeikis is, as everyone knows, mostly known as a comedic actor. He is amazing in Race. Do you see him having a future as a dramatic actor and what will you remember most about your time with him in Race?

Shanice Banton: I see Jason Sudeikis having a future as a dramatic actor indefinitely. He is amazing in the film, and it will be nice for his fans to see him in a different light. Versatility is always a good thing, especially as an actor/actress. What I will remember the most about Jason, is his jokes — of course – [laughs] and his super cool camera that he would bring on set. He’s got some photography skills!