Batman v Superman Photos: DC Heroes Unite!

As we all know, there’s a new Batman in town and he is supposedly at the end of his rope. Ben Affleck plays the Dark Knight in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and from the looks of the newly released photos in EW, he’s got a thing for Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot).

“We accept that he’s played by actors with different interpretations. He’s at the end of his run and maybe the end of his life. There’s this sort of world-weariness to it,” Affleck told EW.

“He’s on the verge of being swallowed up by the anger and the rage that we see haunt this character in the other manifestations of it, but this guy is further down the line and has become more embittered and cynical.”

EW and Warner Bros. have released the first true set of stills from the highly anticipated follow-up to Man of Steel from Zack Snyder. We also get a glance at Affleck in his new-look Batsuit, as well as finally getting a gaze at Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor — and yes, he has a full head of hair!

Stay with The Movie Mensch as we bring you details of the big Comic-Con splash that will be the cast of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in Hall H! Until then, enjoy these first photos for the flick that lands March 25, 2016.