Greyhound Trailer: Tom Hanks’ Riveting World War II Navy Drama

Tom Hanks has returned to the World War II landscape, after his triumphant turn in Saving Private Ryan. The trailer for his headlining (he also co-wrote the screenplay) Navy epic Greyhound has arrived from Sony Pictures and features the two-time Oscar winner as a skipper of a US Navy ship leading a parade of American ships across the Atlantic through perilous, Nazi-filled waters.

Hanks is Commander Ernest Krause, whose power of decision making comes under test almost immediately. Those Nazi U-boats are everywhere and how Krause will navigate the dangerous seas will test his leadership, mettle and ability to inspire his men to greatness when the world most needs it.

Greyhound also stars Elisabeth Shue, Stephen Graham and Rob Morgan and opens everywhere June 12. Sign. Us. Up.