Movie Review: Everybody’s Talking About Jamie is Everything

Step out of the darkness and into the spotlight, Max Harwood! Everybody’s Talking About Jamie is a rousing and colorful film adaptation of the award-winning musical from London’s West End that’s as close to a perfect film as it gets and is– without a doubt– the best musical of the year. 

Harwood shines as Jamie New, a sixteen-year-old boy who, despite living in the small conservative town of Sheffield, England, aspires to dazzle the world with his on-stage performances as a fierce drag queen.

Jamie gathers support during this challenging time from his Muslim best friend, Pritti Pasha (Lauren Patel) who also has her own struggles overcoming prejudices, his mother (Sarah Lancashire), and of course, drag legend Miss Loco Chanelle, played by an endearing Richard Grant. The entire ensemble is simply superb. But it’s Harwood and Patel who steal the show. Followed closely by Grant. Between their on-screen chemistry, singing, choreography, and their strong character arcs, this trifecta of fresh talent will leave a long-lasting impression on viewers from all walks of life.

Harwood is the perfect vessel to tell this thoughtful and inspiring story. Aside from his perfect features, he’s so comfortable with himself and has the confidence (and ability) to lean into this unapologetic force of a character. And that charisma and energy make all the difference.  He’s the hero every LGBTQ teen needs. The Superman of Self-Love that boldly challenges primitive and repressive societal norms.

Alas, not everyone is as supportive of Jamie’s outlandish career aspirations, especially his father (Ralph Ineson), a rather cruel teacher (Sharon Horgan), and a few bullying classmates. But Jamie, being the hero that he is, doesn’t let that put a damper on his parade. In fact, he combats it in such emotionally intelligent ways it can almost serve as an instructional manual for the oppressed. 

While his mom and best friend are somewhat shocked when Jamie informs them of his dream career and starts showing off sparkly high heel shoes and fabulous gowns, they realize that Jamie is just being true to himself and shower him with the most heart-warming support. This is one of the most touching displays of acceptance and love that can really melt hearts.

Lyricist Tom MacRae and writer Dan Gillespie Sells collected a talented crew to meritoriously and thoughtfully share this powerful, unprecedented story about how an effeminate man can be a hero. Director Jonathan Butterell, who also developed the stage play, does a splendid job of morphing this flamboyant “Billy Elliot”-esque adaptation into a cinematic format.

The music, the acting, the direction, it’s all exemplary. But what’s more important than its entertainment value is that Everybody’s Talking About Jamie is a beacon of the sign of the times. Society is becoming more inclusive by the day. But it’s the lack of education around the awareness of these evolving gender norms that drives intolerance, hate, and discrimination, which hinders progression. By offering this story to society, it exposes the internal struggles and edifies the audience through an empathetic lens of compassion instead of condemnation, which is extremely effective for promoting tolerance and acceptance and most importantly, creating lasting social change.  

Everybody’s Talking About Jamie is the most spectacularly beautiful celebration of individuality that’s ever graced the small screen. Audiences will sing, laugh, cry, and of course, dance!

This gem of a film, perhaps the most jubilant of the year, will simultaneously melt your heart and fill you with joy.  Dance with Jamie on Amazon Prime today!

Grade: A