Antoine de Saint- Exupéry’s timeless classic tale, The Little Prince, has made its way to Blu-Ray for the first time. The film, released in 2015, is making its Blu-Ray debut, and boy oh boy it is a dazzler.

The animation is nothing like you’ve seen before, and yes that is saying something. Paramount Home Entertainment has done an incredible job of bringing the VHS/DVD transfer to new heights with a Blu-Ray release that sounds and has sights as vibrant as the imagination of those who will treasure this cinematic experience.
The story of The Little Prince is not only as resonant today as it was when Saint- Exupéry’s tale hit bookshelves in April 1943 while the world was embroiled in its worst global battle in human history. It wasn’t simply a breath of fresh air. It was a story that transcended age. Sure, it is a children’s story that contains messages that could not be more important to every growing child on the planet. But it also spoke to adults with its keen observations of the human condition, living on this little spinning beauty called earth and digging deeper into what exactly it means to be a human being.
This is one of those animation experiences where you literally feel as if you “fell” into the book itself. Those are some of the most delightful and otherworldly animated cinematic experiences one can have. The book that sold over 140 million copies globally has finally found a film that is worthy of its success and stature in the children’s literature landscape.
Directed by Mark Osborne (Kung Fu Panda), the helmer’s command of the source material is off the charts. This is a film that one can treasure again and again and again. Osborne also gets a stellar vocal cast to fill out his ensemble, including Jeff Bridges, Rachel McAdams, Paul Rudd, Bud Cort, Marion Cotillard, Benicio Del Toro, James Franco, Ricky Gervais, Paul Giamatti, Riley Osborne, Albert Brooks, and Mackenzie Foy. Just a little talent in Osborne’s corner?
Its story of how love plays such a vital role in our society is something that will embolden both children and adults alike. The best-animated films are ones that speak to all audiences, without losing any one of them for a single moment. That is what we have in The Little Prince. This is a film that should have been nominated for an Oscar, and frankly, should have won Best Animated Features. But I digress…

The Little Prince finds “The Little Girl,” played by Mackenzie Foy, being groomed by her mother (McAdams) for a world that is quite grown up, and not always kind. She has the most unique of neighbors in Bridges’ “The Aviator.” He sparks something inside her that is an amalgamation of imagination, reality, and the power of the human mind to embrace all forward-thinking progress. He opens a door to a world that “The Little Girl” could never have imagined and along the way… let’s just say she might meet the titular character.
I adore children’s films (as I have a child!) that are not simply for children. Sure, that much has been established. But I adore flicks like The Little Prince that take it a step further. This is about the human experience—regardless of age. Those are rare with this medium and here’s wishing there were more The Little Prince-like movies out there.
There are two bonus features on The Little Prince Blu-Ray, and The Making of The Little Prince is something you will want to dive into immediately after concluding the film itself.
It’s a 25-minute look at how the filmmakers put this glorious production together, including adapting it for the screen. They also delve deeply into why they believe these characters have such a place in the hearts of people across the planet. We also get an inside scoop on how this world was created for film and how each of the characters was designed, all using practical visuals! There’s also a nice nod to the score.

Also included is the Turn Around music video by Camile.
Grade: A+
Bonus Features: A+