The Perfect Scene #3: Wonder Woman Enters No Man’s Land

Rarely does a superhero movie scene emit such power that it produces tears like what resulted from the so-called “No Man’s Land” moment in 2017’s Wonder Woman. That is exactly what occurred across the world when Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) refused to wait for a better time to engage the enemy across No Man’s Land—a swath of land known for barbed wire, landmines, and the crosshairs of German machine gunners.

Prince—better known as Wonder Woman—defined herself and what she could bring to the heroic table with that instantly iconic move. Another person who firmly defined herself and what she could bring to the cinematic table was Wonder Woman director extraordinaire Patty Jenkins. She is now part of an exclusive group of artisans who orchestrated and oversaw what we at The Movie Mensch like to call The Perfect Scene. She has joined Paul Thomas Anderson for the Jessie’s Girl scene from Boogie Nights and our second one, the first T. Rex attack by Steven Spielberg in his masterpiece Jurassic Park.

What made the No Man’s Land scene so special wasn’t simply what was filmed. It was all that led up to it and how that announcement of power, talent, and landing on the side of what’s right. It was the fight and battle choreography, the cinematography, the performance of Gadot—as well as her supporting crew—led by Steve (Chris Pine’s fighter pilot), and the stakes. Supreme greatness emerges best when our protagonists are supremely tested. “This is No Man’s Land, Diana. It means no man can cross it.” Now, a woman, as Wonder Woman is about to show us… that is a whole different story. It’s not simply that she steps up and heads into No Man’s Land. That alone would send chills up and down one’s spine.

It is the culmination of everything that has led Diana to this moment and proof positive that her decision to leave the safe confines of her island was the right move.

This is a unique choice for Perfect Scene because although Jenkins expertly and impeccably crafted this entire scene, it has been chosen more for what it represents and how that was achieved. This is a highly emotional moment in the film, a tear-producing, chill-inducing scene that slingshots us through the entirety of the film. It is more than just celebrating the craftsmanship of a filmmaker operating on a different level. The No Man’s Land scene is often referred to as a defining moment in not only a superhero movie but in the film medium that celebrates protagonists.

As someone who has studied World War I, the concept of trench warfare has always intrigued. Steve tells Diana—before she heads out to launch her hero status—that this group of troops had been in this trench for a year and only gained “about an inch.” Just prior to that, Ms. Prince had a short and emotively powerful conversation with a female refugee. While clutching her young child, she tearfully described the horrors that the Germans unleashed on her village and how they took the men as “slaves.” The lack of forward movement against the Germans, coupled with that village just beyond the German trenches that had been overtaken in inhumane ways, paints a picture that action is required… urgently. She pleads with Steve and her team to act. They, in turn, relay the point that what is going on is not necessarily part of their driving mission and they need to stay on point.

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What is so powerful about this scene is how Diana’s leadership and moral compass can merge their mission, aiding those poor souls in the German-occupied village and the ultimate goal of Prince when she left her Amazon island and headed out into the world. Everything that has come before has all led up to this moment. In our previous two “Perfect Scenes,” the lauding was firmly about the technical shooting of the scene, the acting of the performers, and the contributions of the production designer, cinematographer, and composer. The “No Man’s Land” scene in Jenkins’ Wonder Woman lands on our “Perfect Scene” column because of its extraordinary ability to serve as a catapult of heroism that ripples through the entire remainder of the film. Sure, it is masterfully put together by the director and it is due to the fact that the cull of an emotional anvil hits us squarely in the heart.

When Wonder Woman sheds her coat, places her tiara on her head, unveils her Amazon armor, and steps out of the safety of a trench and resolutely into the war zone, it is an epic moment that will reverberate through film history for decades to come. The scene is highly emotional on a myriad of levels.

First, there’s the raw inspirational element for legions of young girls (and boys for that matter) who might find themselves standing in unison with Wonder Woman in living rooms across the world. Second, it resonates due to how she has selflessly acted as a diversion for German fire so that the Allied forces can finally emerge from their year-long stay in their trench to send the enemy directly to hell. Finally, the “No Man’s Land” moment in Wonder Woman is a Perfect Scene due to how it will serve as the cornerstone for every single Wonder Woman movie (starring Gadot) for years to come.

It all stems from this moment, this Perfect Scene. The daughter of Zeus has earned the fulfillment of her fate filled destiny. We know that this is merely the tip of the iceberg of Wonder Woman’s potential history.