Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer: Kristen Wiig’s Cheetah Revealed!

The second Wonder Woman: 1984 trailer is here! Revealed at the DC FanDome virtual convention, Warner Bros. and DC Comics’ latest is a sequel to the wildly successful World War I set Wonder Woman. Whereas the first trailer was truly a teaser, its use of New Order alone firmly put us in the decade of decadence. This time out, it is more the fashion choices of certain characters that anchor us to those Reagan years.

Patty Jenkins is back behind the camera for a triumphant return to follow-up her 2017 effort that was a box office smash. Gal Gadot also reprises her role as Diana Prince and her super alter ego, Wonder Woman. This time out, it appears, she uses that lasso of truth a bit more than the first endeavor three years ago. That’s good, we’ve always thought that part of the Wonder Woman myth was always the coolest.

What else the new trailer reveals is our first look at a fully realized villain in Kristen Wiig’s The Cheetah. Also joining her on the wrong side of the moral compass is Pedro Pascal. The Mandalorian star is Maxwell Lord, a media business leader who is obviously modeled after a certain current resident of The White House.

As the first teaser teased, and so too does this second trailer, Chris Pine is back as Steve Trevor. We still do not have a clue how someone that died during World War I is alive and well, and not aged a day, in 1984. But that’s fine. Those two had combustible chemistry in the first film and from the looks of things, they pick up where they left off in 1984. It is also through Pine’s character that we get a few jokes at the expense of the fashion trends of those crazy 80s. Parachute pants, anyone? Oh, and the fanny pack gets a nice look on Pine as well!

Whereas the first Wonder Woman trailer that debuted 8 months ago teased the film’s “summer” release, this one doesn’t include a day, but it does unequivocally state “in theaters” in the trailer. We just happen to know that WB and DC have targeted October 2 for the film’s release in theaters.