Christopher Nolan has kept his cinematic cards close to his vest when it comes to details on his latest thrill ride, Tenet. Warner Bros. and Nolan unleashed what will easily be near the top of our Top 10 trailers of 2020 list. There are several headlines here.

The first thing that pops out is the plot detail that John David Washington’s (BlacKkKlansman) character has the ability to see time in reverse. As was seen in the first Tenet teaser, Washington is special, but we didn’t know quite how. With this second (almost three minute!) trailer, it all gets spelled out … but nowhere near spoiler territory. Shocker! Nolan’s latest oeuvre possesses a teaser that does just that—tease.
Another element gleaned from this incarnation of three minutes in heaven is more teaser time for Robert Pattinson’s character. He speaks! Pattinson (recently seen in The Lighthouse) is Washington’s partner in this mysterious endeavor that appears to be as “bendy” as Inception in terms of its fluidness of time and place. Color me excited.
Also featured in the Tenet trailer is Elizabeth Debicki’s (Widows) character, as well as souls inhabited by Kenneth Branagh (who worked with the helmer on Dunkirk) and a Dark Knight Nolan vet, Michael Caine. I would be remiss if the score of the trailer was not saluted. It presents an immediacy that is innately heart pounding. That, again, bodes well.
Besides the teasing of the flick’s details, another tease was presented in that the preview contained that firm release date of July 17. Unless you’ve been living in a cave, everyone knows that the Coronavirus has shut down the globe’s movie houses. Hollywood insiders have continually looked to Tenet and its release date as the first time that Tinsel Town products will be showcased as they were meant to be—on the BIG screen. Looks like WB and Nolan believe that the world will be ready (with modifications, obviously) to return to the cinemas by that time in the summer.
I sure hope so, but I am not holding my breath. This Tenet trailer has me so pumped, I would definitely wear a mask for three hours while the nearest individual is six feet away to be able to experience