Fox Searchlight Celebrates 25 Years with One Sizzling Sizzle Reel

One of the big concerns for myself, and many other who write about film, when Disney purchased 20th Century Fox centered around Fox Searchlight. The art-house, more cerebral wing of Fox has been responsible for some of the most legendary, Oscar winning (and nominated) and profound films of the last quarter century. Since the Mouse House took over the studio that gave us everything from Star Wars to The Sound of Music, there has been a collective breath holding as to how they would handle the “little kid” on the lot who produces such awesomely artistic work.

Like what, you ask? Well, the studio released a celebration of its fine work that is basically what they call in the industry a sizzle reel. Highlights from their 25 years of pristine productions include Best Picture winner Slumdog Millionaire, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri and another Best Picture victor, The Shape of Water.

Thus far, Disney has left Fox Searchlight alone and that could not be more of a good thing. The two aforementioned Best Picture winners were not the so-called boutique studio’s only cinematic top honor. There was also 12 Years a Slave and when one looks at the finer print, it is stunning. The production house has garnered 153 Oscar nods and won 39 times. Not bad for any studio working with that 25-year timeline.

Let’s hope the studio that gives us Lucasfilm, Marvel and Pixar will live and let live when it comes to the product that Fox Searchlight produces.