Patriots Day Trailer: Boston Strong

Peter Berg has a knack for capturing real life events that rally our emotions and challenge our soul. His stellar Deepwater Horizon did that with its arrival last week and he achieved that with the stunning Lone Survivor, a few years back. Of course, both star Mark Wahlberg. The actor and him have a short hand that works brilliantly and that is showcased even in a few short minutes with the trailer release of Patriots Day.


The film chronicles a fateful day in American history, particularly Boston history when two terrorists set off a series of bombs on the titular day at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

Wahlberg portrays a real life cop, Police Sergeant Tommy Saunders, who joins a heroic group of first responders to save dozens on a uniquely Massachusetts holiday that has been celebrated for years. The spirit of that day was never more prelevent than in the hours after the bombing, when an entire community came together to help one another.

The film also stars Kevin Bacon, John Goodman, J.K. Simmons and Michelle Monaghan.

Look for Patriots Day in New York, Los Angeles and Boston on December 21, 2016 and will then nationwide on January 13, 2017.