Captain America Civil War Final Trailer: The Whole World Was Wrong About You

The latest, and final, Captain America: Civil War trailer is here, and frankly, it is the best. And that is saying something because those first several teasers for the latest in the Marvel canon, were beyond outstanding. Oh yeah, and there’s a little Spidey visit! Doesn’t that send it through the roof?!


Fresh off the release of those Team Cap and Team Iron Man character posters, the latest trailer drops and we’re guessing from the below teaser that the new Spider-Man will align himself with Tony Stark’s crew.

The Avengers are about to become overseen by a government program, due to all the collateral damage that occurs when they save the day.

Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) believes it is a good idea. Meanwhile, Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) believes that it is a mistake. That will split The Avengers right down the middle and a couple of other events, such as Cap’s protection of his buddy The Winter Soldier, will launch our favorite Marvel heroes into an all out Civil War.

The third Captain America tale is directed by the brotherly duo who hit it out of the park with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Joe and Anthony Russo. Look for it on May 6.