Oscar Isaac

Oscar Isaac is no stranger to working with the Mouse House, what with his work on Lucasfilm’s Star Wars films. Yet the news of a first trailer today for Moon Knight has fans across the world celebrating his latest collaboration with Disney, specifically the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The teaser has […]

Moon Knight Trailer Premieres: Disney+ Previews Latest Must-See Marvel TV ...

In the end, the key to any of our fantastic and time elusive masterpieces in the tale-telling department lay in what seems like the most obvious of items, a story. Author extraordinaire Frank Herbert was keenly aware of that elusive element, and it is in full display in his August […]

Dune Review: Frank Herbert’s Iconic Novel Gets the Denis Villeneuve ...

Operation Finale tells the unbelievable true (and sadly timely) story of how Israeli Secret Service captured Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann in Argentina, years after the curtain was closed on World War II. Oscar Isaac and Sir Ben Kingsley put on a clinic, respectively as the Israeli Secret Service against […]

Chris Weitz on “Surges in Nationalism” & Timeliness of Operation ...

The capturing of the Nazi architect of Germany’s “Final Solution,” Adolph Eichmann, by Israeli forces should be a riveting, catch-your-breath cinematic journey. Largely, it is… but Operation Finale achieves that in the most unexpected of ways. What director Chris Weitz delivers—from Matthew Orton’s screenplay—is deliberate in every way. Those who […]

Operation Finale Review: Justice Served