Avengers Endgame TV Spot: “Some People Move On, But Not Us”

Figures that as the Super Bowl was about to start, we’d get a “super” Avengers TV spot teasing the upcoming Endgame.

The spot, which figures that most people know that half the world had disappeared when Thanos (Josh Brolin) snapped his fingers, shows what happens when those who are left have to pick up the pieces and move forward.

Interesting to note, most of us who witnessed Avengers: Infinity War figured that the follow-up film would take up the mantle moments after that film concluded. Judging by this TV spot, that is not the case. Some time has passed and the Avengers that are left seem ready to do what they can to avenge the loss of their cohort and the billions of souls who turned to ash on that fateful day.

Avengers: Endgame lands in theaters April 26 and stars those who are left—Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Paul Rudd, Robert Downey, Jr., Don Cheadle, Karen Gillan, Brie Larson and of course Bradley Cooper (who voices Rocket). Will the rest of the Avengers come back? What. Do. You. Think?!