Fauci Trailer: Disney+ Brings Nation’s Top Infectious Disease Doc’s Story to Life

Dr. Anthony Fauci became, and rightfully so, the face of the COVID-19 pandemic as soon as it came upon our shores in late 2019 and early 2020. Think you know Fauci? Think again, as the trailer for the National Geographic documentary Fauci has debuted. The film arrives on Disney+ on October 6.

The lauded epidemiologist was named Time magazine 2020’s “Guardian of the Year,” along with our nation’s healthcare workers. He became a household name because of the Covid crisis where his insight into the virus helped and is helping walk us through these unprecedented times.

The thing is, he’s been at this for a very long time and was on the front lines of the AIDS epidemic when it first landed in America in the early 80s. Dr. Fauci is considered our nation’s leading expert on epidemiology and is exactly the person you want in that position when a country is grappling with the worst pandemic in its history.

During his tenure, the work battling HIV/AIDS, SARS, Ebola and more has taken its toll on the man, but as the trailer for the documentary that bears his name shows—there is nothing else in the world he would rather be doing professionally.

Fauci further introduces the man behind the medicine mastery with a history of his professional excellence and his personal life as well. He’s worked for every president since Reagan, but thanks to the insight provided by his daughter in the trailer (and thus the film), people will get to see another side of the good doctor.

He’s been a target for a lot of hate these last 18 months, but that is nothing new. During the AIDS crisis, he was also in the crosshairs of folks who either didn’t want him tackling the epidemic or felt he wasn’t doing enough. Sound familiar?