The Matrix Resurrections 4K Ultra HD Review: Whoa, Neo’s Back!

It’s been 18 years since Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss loved and fought together in what was generally thought to be the final Matrix movie from the Wachowskis siblings. Fast forward to Christmas 2021 and guess who is gliding back into that life simulator once again? Reeves and Moss, along with a few other familiar faces and one that looks an awful lot like a certain pop-cultural icon whose moniker alone—Morpheus—has come to symbolize so much since Laurence Fishburne donned those distinctive shades almost two decades ago.

In this world, his name may be Morpheus, and he may dress and carry himself in a way that recalls one of the Black-ish stars’ most iconic roles, but it is Yahya Abdul-Mateen II instead inhabiting The Matrix’s resident expert in everything.

For fear of “spoiling” something for our readers, when it comes to the details of what The Matrix: Resurrections specific web that filmmakers have woven for this fourth trip down the proverbial rabbit hole. Let’s just say this, Reeves’ character is still known as Thomas Anderson and he is working in tech, technically. He has designed a series of games based on his experience in… The Matrix and they are blockbusters. There is a high level of Meta-ness as the narrative is first getting laid out with talks about sequels, remakes, etc. that are meant to through you off and marvel at its cleverness.

It is only when red and blue pills are being discussed and tossed around that our specific plot becomes clear(er). Not a ringing endorsement for clarity, I know, but this fourth film mirrors a similar response to the second and third films. Do I wish Resurrections broke the meh cycle of moviemaking that has seemingly overcome all involved?

You bet!

The film does look amazing. Historically, what the Wachowski siblings have visually done to push the Visual EFX industry’s technological envelope, they are generally given a pass for presenting material that was well below the transcendentness of the first film. One keenly knows what made the 1999 film so beloved was how there is an unbreakable emotive connection between the audience and our Matrix-centered heroes, such as Neo, Trinity (Moss), and Morpheus.

That was sadly somewhat absent from the second film, completely missing from the third and now fourth chapter in the beloved series from the Wachowski siblings. Lana co-wrote this fourth film with David Mitchell and Aleksandar Hemon and also directs it solo, sans sister Lilly.

As someone who considers themselves a fan of The Matrix world, the above may sound like I have a funny way of showing my cinematic devotion. The thing about that first film, which has stayed with me for decades, is its unwavering message about believing in oneself. As presented by the Wachowskis (who at the time were brothers and now both are sisters) it’s handed in such an organic way that it can be enjoyed ad nauseam and has been for millions of folks.

Sure, I’ll admit it. The idea of returning to this world with Lana Wachowski was also driven by nostalgia. Given that the entire endeavor was more miss than hit, still, simply being around these familiar characters and experiencing fresh action sequences from artists who altered the moviemaking landscape is worth the investment of your time.

There is much to salute. Then again, if it seems as if what you are witnessing on television is something you’ve seen before and is beloved to the maximum, don’t be surprised if similar emotions exhibited two decades prior rear their head once again. Wachowski several times in her film utilizes that “black cat walking” signal that we’re about to enter Déjà vu territory. One of the cats at a certain point is drinking out of a bowl that says, “Déjà vu!”

Jonathan Groff (Frozen II) electrically joins the cast as a familiar character, like Abdul-Mateen II. He is Smith… but is he the Agent Smith? Neil Patrick Harris is amazing as The Analyst, who may have the largest character arc of anyone in this Matrix incarnation. Jada Pinkett-Smith’s Niobe returns as well, and her words of wisdom are spot-on and much needed.

Also joining the cast is Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Jessica Henwick.

Technical envelopes are pushed to the edge, story-wise, not so much. Then again, does it matter? There is no spoon, remember?

When it comes to the plot, filmmakers have crafted a script that contains a plethora of action, that Matrix-style character development—which has us pulling for these souls—and also weaves a web that is nostalgic in how it recalls the first film with similar plot points. But there is an enormous swath of originality that fills out The Matrix: Resurrections. The story is the same one, there are two realities. There is one that is “everyday life” and the other… the truth, i.e., a world where sentient beings are the ones pulling the strings. Neo is forced to follow that old trusty White Rabbit once more with an aspiration of putting an end to this vicious cycle once and for all.

With the release of The Matrix: Resurrections on4K, viewers can count on those bonus features being extensive, informative, and utterly transfixing.

Resurrecting The Matrix clocks in at just a hair over a half-an-hour and finds director Wachowski, actors Moss and Reeves—as well as other important contributors to this story—address the long gap between Matrix films, and what their emotional reality was when they finally arrived on the set all these years later. It’s a reflective piece and many people who are involved in this featurette had some challenges over the last decade and hearing from them will only endear the viewer more to those in front and behind the Matrix camera.

With Neo x Trinity: Return to the Matrix it is exactly what you would think it is—Reeves and Moss waxing poetic about their very first encounter with the other and what it is like to return to their revolutionary and wickedly popular and cultural seismic characters.

No One Can Be Told What The Matrix Is is a featurette that is almost nine minutes long and focuses on the original trilogy. This is more of in-depth reflections and summations of the original trilogy from Moss, Henwick, Harris, Abdul-Mateen II, Groff , Chopra-Jonas, and several more.

Footage of Keanu Reeves and company in training for the fight scenes, along with interviews with cast and crew members about the stunt work and choreography comprise the bonus feature I Still Know Kung Fu—which of course is just one of a legion of famous quotes from the first film.

Allies + Adversaries: The Matrix Remixed is a short but sweet (8:27) look at some of the smaller roles that return for this fourth film in the series and how their lives have changed since the original trilogy and what it was about this particular story that made them want to return.

Matrix 4 Life is a six-minute deeply personal featurette that has the cast sharing their own personal thoughts on life, their career, and everything in between since a little movie called The Matrix dropped and changed everything at the close of the 20th century.

One of the more captivating featurettes is the 48-minute The Matrix Reactions (which is really 9 smaller featurettes woven together). Cast and crew members take one of the more impactful scenes and break it down to the nitty-gritty with on-set footage and commentary that will show the viewer exactly “how did they do that?” The scenes covered are:

  • Echo Opening
  • Deus Ex Machina
  • Welcome to IØ
  • Morpheus vs Neo
  • Exiles Fight
  • Neo vs Smith
  • Bullet Time Redux
  • The San Fran Chase
  • The San Fran Jump

Film Grade: B-
Bonus Features: B