Exploring Universal Studios Hollywood: Inside a Movie Paradise

The Movie Mensch got an extraordinary opportunity to tackle the entity that is Universal Studios Hollywood. As an appreciator and superfan of all things film for four decades, anticipation was palpable heading through those famous gates for a day of fun, frolic and a cinema-centric amusement park that seems custom built for the movie aficionado inside all of us.

I’ll break things down, ride-by-ride, attraction by attraction, taking my readers through the Hollywood institution that has never been so absolutely attractive for film fans and amusement park appreciators alike.

Minions Mayhem!
One of our favorite animated characters in recent memory are the Minions. The three Despicable Me movies (and their own break-out smash, Minions) made them a pop culture phenomenon.

Witnessing how the creative folks over at Universal Studios Hollywood crafted a world out of Gru’s charges in theme park form was the first stop on this glorious day. These are the little yellow folks who take such devilish delight in anything they do. Therefore, diving into their world had to be equally as joyous. It was that, and then some.

Entering Gru’s house and his lab with its pitch-perfect feel from the movie neighborhood truly felt like animation had brilliantly come to life. It is astoundingly impressive in terms of its attention to detail. Heading onto the Despicable Me Minion Mayhem ride, The Movie Mensch was ready to rock and roll. The 3D, Ultra-HD simulation-type ride was rocky (in the best of ways), riveting (in its command of your attention) and 100-percent awesome as it sent visitors careening through what it would be like to become a Minion.

Yes, a lifetime dream would be achieved. I so wanted to be turned to those little yellow cuties! Who wouldn’t?

Locked into our seat, with our 3D “Minion Goggles” firmly attached to our face, Gru sauntered up to the screen and gave his spiel about becoming his favorite assistants in both his nefarious and heroic efforts. I was ready to turn all sorts of yellow and hopefully come out of there a little bit smaller and pill-shaped! Once the laser is pointed at the crowd gathered in the ride, it was off to the races.

Despicable Me Minion Mayhem is an immersive experience that even gave off the odor of bananas on cue (something we all know Minions love—am I right?!). A myriad of sensations will also come over you, from simulated lasers to wind and water. Rapidly making our way through Gru’s lab/factory-like setting, there are twists and turns throughout and it all adds up to one thoroughly enjoyable ride.

Can we go again? Please?

Once we were returned to our normal form and were no longer Minions, it was time to enter Super Silly Fun Land and let loose. The stunning recreation of the seaside carnival one might recall from the film is alive with colors and screams “fun.” Well, that word is in its moniker!

There seemed to be countless water-based features (I’ve been told there are more than 80!) to delight visitors of all ages. Don’t worry, if you don’t want to get wet, there is a “dry zone” for folks to explore. It will involve climbing, jumping and sliding—as any Minion-themed attraction should! Heading over to the Silly Swirly Fun Ride, prepare to get all sorts of spun out, in the best of ways. The best part of the “Fun Ride” was the 360-degree visual marvel that is the view of the entirety that is Super Silly Fun Land. Actually… there’s a second “best part.” That is being able to select from a slew of very Despicable Me inspired vehicles to ride in on that 360-degree-spanning joy of a ride.

Now, it was time to experience something I have dreamed over diving into since J.K. Rowling debuted her first book back in 1997.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
As an enormous fan of all-things Rowling, and the wizarding world she first created with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, it was a dream realized to walk the “streets” of this world that was born inside Rowling’s vast imagination. Never in a million years would I ever think that I could have such a rich and visceral experience that had me believing I was attending the famed school for wizards—even meeting the train conductor of the iconic Hogwarts Express. 

I was jealous of folks in Florida for getting their first look at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The park opened in the Sunshine State first and one was promised for Universal Studios Hollywood years later. For us Harry Potter fans living in Southern California, time never seemed to move so slowly. But alas, it eventually opened and today… I was finally living a dream that was years in the making.

Walking towards what can only be described as a spectacle of the highest order, I honestly got a bit emotionally moved. The recreation of Hogwarts is beyond extraordinary. Being a Muggle, it seemed a pipe dream to walk in the shadow of such wizarding greatness… a school that had produced some of the most iconic wizards in Rowling’s world. It towers over the park and is about as impressive an architectural feat as anything seen in Las Vegas in terms of its recreational prowess.

Hogwarts castle may serve as the centerpiece, but there is so much more to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Spending hours in this part of Universal Studios Hollywood was easy. Before heading to the castle, I made my way through Hogsmeade Village. The shopfronts paid incredible amount of attention to the detail. For fans of the books and movies, this is truly heaven on earth. There are the various shops that inhabit Rowling’s world and there are even a few you can walk into and purchase items that are dripping in Harry Potter sentimentality—including Honeydukes™, Ollivanders™, Owl Post™, Zonko’s™ Joke Shop, Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment, Dervish and Banges™, Gladrags Wizardwear and Filch’s Emporium™ of Confiscated Goods.

For example, one can purchase “House” scarfs, depending on which of the houses the sorting hat places you in. Then again, you might just want to choose your favorite house! There are countless items that will make the Harry Potter aficionado in your family or aficionados(!) quite happy, from wands to pins to books to … you name it, even notepads! It’s a fascinating collection of items that are only available here at Universal Studios Hollywood’s The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Before indulging in some Butterbeer, it was time to head towards the castle for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride—an immersive experience that is utterly unforgettable. Equally as awesome is the Flight of the Hippogriff™, the first outdoor roller coaster at Universal Studios Hollywood. As a longtime appreciator of roller coasters, being able to ride one, amongst the backdrop of the most magical place on earth, was priceless. The Harry Potter movie fan in me was literally spellbound at the experience.

I got ahead of myself, first we went on the Forbidden Journey ride and it, honestly, is the most fulfilling of all the movie-tie-in rides at Universal Studios Hollywood. For a fan of the films, a fan of the books or simply a fan of amusement park immersive experiences, this is something truly special. Going through Hogwarts Castle is how one gets to the Forbidden Journey ride and the design of this is truly brilliant. What better way to pass the time heading to a ride with a long line than to experience where Harry, Hermione and Ron spent their formative years becoming the wickedly awesome wizards we know them as today?

The talking paintings… check! They’re conversations are priceless… and a bit startling, but in the best of ways. Next up, we meet the sorting hat. Is it surprising that this guy was hoping that as I passed in front of it, I would hear that magical word uttered, “Gryffindor?!” No, of course not. Everyone has their house of choice and I’m sure that my penchant for Gryffindor is as strong as millions of others. Then… it was time to get on the ride itself!

The ride… it was sensational and the absolute highlight of the day for this movie fanatic. I have experienced countless simulated rides, roller coasters and experiences that lie in the same category as Star Tours over at that other park. But never have I ever felt anything so palpably real as the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey experience. Not only does this guy adore HP and Rowling’s world and every inch of it, but I am a longtime admirer of dragons and their entire lore. Let’s just say when Hagrid asks, “Has anyone seen a dragon?” I knew we would be coming close to one of those fire-breathing puppies. Again, the reality of the sensation of it flying around us, up beside us and witnessing its frenzied fire was a dream come true.

Quidditch, anyone? Have you ever dreamed of being up there with Harry and his teammates playing the game that defines the Wizarding World of Harry Potter?

In the midst of the Forbidden Journey ride, that is exactly what happens and the sensory reality of it, once again—feel like a broken record extoling the awesomeness of this ride—it was dream-like in its ability to put you on a broomstick and feel the sensation of what it must be like to experience the game born in the incomparable imagination of Rowling. Oh, and lest we forget. Wondered what that hair-raising moment would feel like if a slew of Dementors were coming after you? Buckle up, because that happens too!

The hanging candles above the great hall? Check!

What. A. Ride!

Something that is not to miss is a stop by the wand shop to see if you are the lucky soul chosen at random to be matched with a wand. Sadly, I was not the one selected, but to be in the presence of the little boy who did… the reaction from him was priceless.

Just a note before I move on to other parts of this movie-centric look at the Universal theme park in Hollywood. Don’t be surprised if you want to spend the entire day under the shadow of Hogwarts. The word “magical” has been used over and over here, and I’ll keep on using it because there can be no other term that more astoundingly captures the spirit of that part of Universal Studios Hollywood. Between the view, the snow-capped roofs, cobblestone streets and the ever-present British spectacle—there is nothing like it in the Southern California theme park/entertainment milieu. Of course, I did move on to other aspects of the park, but you bet I returned repeatedly, even just to peruse some stores and go for another dip of Butterbeer.

In a Springfield State of Mind!
For the legion of fans who have devoured all-things The Simpsons,since the Matt Groening crafted show debuted on December 17, 1989, the idea of experiencing the landscape where Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Maggie Simpson live and breathe animatingly could not have been further away from a reality. Tossing in that incredible, we still need a sequel, The Simpsons Movie, only furthered the desire to drink at Moe’s and other assorted experiences that were right out of Springfield. Imagine my delight entering The Simpsons Springfield and experiencing the divine The Simpsons ride.

Having the Kelsey Grammar-voiced Sideshow Bob be the driving force behind the ride is a stroke of genius. As anyone knows who adores The Simpsons, Bob has a bit of an issue with Bart, and his family as a whole. Escaping him, through the ride, is the crux of the entire The Simpsons Ride endeavor and it is a stroke of genius. From a giant Maggie (which is delightful), to hearing Bart taunt his nemesis (which of course only raises Bob’s ire) there are what seems like countless moments thrown at you throughout the ride. So yes, it is one that will require multiple turns to fully appreciate every little thing. If it were a movie, those “little things” would be Easter Eggs and they are littered exponentially throughout The Simpsons Ride.

It wouldn’t be a ride involving The Simpsons if there wasn’t a jab at those running the show. In this case, I couldn’t stop laughing at the aliens, Kang and Kodos Johnson, comment right at the end of the ride. Something to the effect of, “Foolish Earthlings, don’t you know that all rides have to end at the gift shop.” Got to love that pointed (and accurate) humor.

See, that’s the thing about all the movie moments in Universal Studios Hollywood. Each one is carefully thought out, with a whole lot of love tossed in there from people who know that the souls who experience these rides and experiences throughout the park share their passion for these movies, pop culture icons and entertainment industry stalwarts that inhabit the park.

Those who created the ride and Springfield landscape consulted extensively with The Simpsons creator Matt Groening and Executive Producer James L. Brooks. All the voice-over was done by the same talented thespians who voice the characters on the iconic show. See, that’s a whole lot of care put in to every inch of this park. Those behind the scenes are as much fans as those of us whisking through the park. Couldn’t help but feel that a visit to Universal Studios Hollywood is a priceless chance to not vicariously live these movies, shows and the like. The park puts you in it and there is nothing like it.

Once off the ride, a cold drink was in order and where else are you going to go in Springfield than Moe’s! Can you believe it?! One can actually go into Homer’s favorite bar and order a beverage. Is it insane that I saw there enjoying a frosty cold one hoping that Barney would saunter in? Of course not! He was there in spirit for sure.

Feeling refreshed after Moe’s, we headed over to Krustyland. The “fantasy amusement park” is relatively new to Universal Studios Hollywood. Imagine a “funland” dreamed up by the ever-kranky Krusty the Clown. Its feel is like a state fair, complete with games and chances to win enormous stuffed animals and the like. Only thing is here, everything is a bit skewed, like the legendary clown who is a longtime hero to Bart.

Universal Studios Hollywood Backlot Tour!
The desire to experience the movie making magic first-hand overtook me and there is a cure for that ailment, and it’s called the Studio Tour—Behind-the-Scenes Tram Ride. This is a don’t miss and has been for decades. For those who have experienced and think it’s something that can be skipped on your next visit… think again. It has never been more immersive, powerful, enlightening and of course, entertaining. I first experienced the Backlot Tour back in 1989 with my best friend on my first trip to California. It is a life moment that still reverberates through me to this day. The visit on this day was a return two decades in the making.

To say that it has been upgraded since my last visit is a gross understatement. It now contains several state-of-the-art “experience” attractions, but still has those classic moments—such as the Psycho house, the Jaws attraction and of course, the Earthquake Experience.

As our tram started out, a new experience arrived immediately. Our host for the tour on the video screens on the tram… the man himself, Jimmy Fallon! He is a great addition, but the living and breathing tour guide’s insight is still priceless. Ours was quite the humorist as well, a nice touch indeed.

The studio tour is a great thing to do about midway through your visit to Universal Studios Hollywood. It’s nice to take a seat and be taken through parts of the lot that have seen the creative forces do their best work crafting some of the most iconic movie moments of all-time. Loved the Backlot Sets, and this fan of Back to the Future literally found his jaw dropping when you come around the bend and see that clock on top of the courthouse that played a huge role in Marty (Michael J. Fox) returning to his “present.” The tour guide also did a fantastic job of showcasing the “New York Street” facade and put its existence into perspective for those on the tour who don’t write about movies for a living.

This time out, I was more than prepared for Earthquake—The Big One. My first visit to the park, as I said, was my first visit to California. I had no idea that an earthquake would be part of the tour, so when the ground started shaking and the tram was whisked, side-to-side, it frankly terrified me. The tour guide back in ’89 yelled out, “It’s the big one.” Don’t laugh… I truly thought it was! Silly me, I know. But this time out, it was nice to be able to know it was coming and take a nice 360-degree look around at the marvel that is this part of the backlot tour. The attention to detail was stellar, something, yes, we have said repeatedly about our Universal Studios Hollywood experience.

A new addition to the tour, that was supremely awesome, was the Famous Cars “row.” There is a slew of automobiles lined up from Fast and the Furious, Jurassic World, Magnum PI’s legendary sports car, KITT from Knight Rider, Biff’s convertible from Back to the Future and a few others we won’t name so they can be surprises for ya!

Illustrating Universal’s commitment to entertaining and enlightening, the Flash Flood portion of the tour put a spotlight on how Hollywood can create monsoon-like conditions in a heartbeat with the magic of the movies. The tram gets a nice barrage of “movie rain,” which culminates in a flash flood. Nothing like over 40,000 gallons of water rushing towards your tram to raise the eyebrows in concern!

A staple of the tour that is a highlight today, as it was decades ago is Jaws Lake. Knowing our Hollywood history, it is always a delight to see the Great White Shark that gave Steven Spielberg such fits while filming his classic film. We’re sure Spielberg would have killed to have that animatronic beast work as well as it does for the tour (the entire film Jaws was almost scrapped because of the Great White not doing what Spielberg wanted).

A new addition, and a haunting one at that, to the tour was the War of the Worlds (speaking of a Spielberg movie) set. Remember that scene in the film where the crashed plane is strewn throughout a suburban neighborhood that truly puts the devastation of the alien invaders into perspective for the audience?

Imagine driving through that carnage and that is exactly what you experience. It’s amazing.

Other sets experienced on the tour include the one from Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, a familiar locale that fans of Jurassic Park: The Lost World will cherish and of course, Norman Bates’ hotel. A famous lyric from The Eagles popped in my head upon seeing the real house that Alfred Hitchcock used for his legendary film. “You can check out anytime you like, but you may never leave.” That is exactly the type of visceral experience that Universal Studios Hollywood gives movie fans and there is nothing like it in the world.

As if an earthquake, Jaws or witnessing the goosebumps-inducing visual that is seeing Bates Motel was not enough to rattle your cage, you haven’t seen (or felt) anything until the tour heads into King Kong country. The 360-degree, 3-D part of the tour feels like you are in Peter Jackson’s smash hit film. Note to self: I never want to get caught in the middle of a T. Rex battling King Kong. Oops, too late! That is exactly what happens on this part of the tour and it is seismic in every sense of the word.

Another new addition (at least for this guy) was the Transformers: The Ride-3D. The tram’s tour guide informed us to put on our park-provided 3D glasses and it was time to put the pedal to the medal. The motion-based experience includes special effects (from the George Lucas-founded FX house, Industrial Light & Magic) that are extraordinary. Now, Fast & Furious—Supercharged will get that adrenaline pumping full throttle and closes out the backlot tour. Get Ready, because Vin Diesel (Dominic “Dom” Toretto), Dwayne Johnson (Luke Hobbs), Michelle Rodriguez (Letty Ortiz), Tyrese Gibson (Roman Pearce) and Luke Evans (Owen Shaw) perform in character to the right and left of the tram on these state-of-the-art projection screens that makes one feel like you are right in the middle of a Fast and the Furious moment right out of any one of those fantastic films.

An Animal Attraction!
Universal’s Animal Actors show is exactly as it sounds. Animals of varying types have played huge roles in films for a century now and it is supremely awesome that they are getting the spotlight with their own Universal Studios Hollywood show.

Ever wondered how animal wranglers work their magic on a movie set? Wonder no more thanks to the Animal Actors show. For fans of animal actors, those who cherish the camaraderie that our furry friends give us, or anyone who loves movies… this attraction is a don’t-miss.

It is a priceless behind-the-scenes look at how animals play a role in our favorite movies and how trainers do what they do. Like so much of Universal Studios Hollywood, it is as enlightening as it is entertaining. Prepare to be star-struck as the animal stars from films such as Evan Almighty, Ace Ventura Pet Detective and even Night at the Museum make appearances that are sure to delight.

Going on a Kung Fu Panda Quest
Over at the DreamWorks Theatre lies a nice treat for those ready to take a seat and be swept away to an animated world where pandas are Kung Fu masters and right always triumphs over wrong.

The Kung Fu Panda trilogy has banked $1.8 billion in total box office, meaning, there are a lot of folks who should devour Kung Fu Panda: The Emperor’s Quest at the park.

Cutting-edge technology permeates the attraction, which also plays to all your senses. It’s a revolutionary concept and further proof that the folks behind Universal Studios Hollywood are never content to rest on their laurels. They are always trying to push the envelope—all in the name of entertaining visitors in a manner that leaves them breathless and creates buzz that resonates all over the world.

That is so the case with the Kung Fu Panda experience in the new DreamWorks Theatre.

Visitors are ensnarled in 180-degress of adventure with Po (voiced by Jack Black) and his martial arts loving pals.

Prepare to be mesmerized by a series of immersive and visually dynamic scene designs that are continually altering as they enhance the story. Again, sorry to sound like a broken record here, but it must be said repeatedly… nobody pays attention to detail in the entertainment theme park world like Universal and that is continually proven true with each successive part of the park.

Having a Mummy Moment!
The juggernaut that was The Mummy movies starring Brendan Fraser could not have made a better inspiration for a theme park ride. After all, the film series that started with 1999’s The Mummy, itself literally felt like a ride that arrived in the form of a film. Revenge of the Mummy—The Ride was the theme park’s first-ever roller coaster.

The park’s first-ever roller coaster was Revenge of the Mummy—The Ride and it is still a delight. It is another must-experience moment at Universal Studios Hollywood and one doesn’t even have to be aware of the movies to fully appreciate it. Why it works so well is that is plays to our deepest and most primal of fears in a multi-sensory landscape that works all the senses and pushes all our fearful buttons. And yes, that is a very good thing. One goes to a theme park for the thrills, and that is exactly what gets delivered on Revenge of the Mummy—The Ride.

An entertaining collective of motion picture technology, sensory pushing elements, animatronics, robotics and sound technology all adds up to a dazzling spectacle of the highest order.

Diving into Kevin Costner’s World!
WaterWorld—A Live Sea War Spectacular is a live stunt show that visitors will likely never forget. I, for one, rather enjoyed the 1995 Costner film. The experience truly makes a splash at Universal Studios Hollywood and will certainly battle it out with countless other memories from your day at the Los Angeles park.

Often, a ride, or a fully sensory experience, doesn’t live up to the hype. This interweaving of pyrotechnics, human stunt work, high-tech special effects and old-fashioned Hollywood awe is one more example of all Universal takes the business of making movie magic seriously—from their silver screen endeavors to entertaining folks walking through the gates of Universal Studios Hollywood.

Affected by Effects!
One of my first experiences at the movie theater that I recall was witnessing the first Star Wars in 1977 as a kid, returning to see it seven more times before its run concluded. It sparked a fascination and obsession with movie special effects that has only increased exponentially over the decades. You can imagine my thrill when looking at the attractions and the map of the park and coming across the Special Effects Show. Day. Made. Well, honestly felt that way with each attraction visit!

The Special Effects Show is audience participatory and puts us right in the middle of some of the famed Hollywood studio’s most iconic moments—all to illustrate how special effects are often times the MVP of any moviemaking endeavor. They are the true magicians and gaining insight into how they do what they do was among the top moments of this day.

The runaway stars from Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park trilogy and then subsequently the two follow-up films, Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom have to be the raptors!

Those devilishly smart creatures stole the show over the five movies, and some could argue they stole the show at Universal Studios Hollywood theme park.

Raptor Encounter puts the spotlight on the scene stealers of Spielberg’s classic movies and the two new sequels.

Prepared to go nose to Raptor with one of the greatest weapons of prehistoric time? You’ll love it! The heart of this experience is the beast who is the MVP of the Jurassic World movies—Blue!

Quite a cast of characters!
All throughout the park, prepare yourself for meeting quite a few celebrities. For various members of your family or crew enjoying the park, that once-in-a-lifetime moment will be different for each person.

Have a Troll fan in your group? Prepare to rock their world as Poppy (voiced by Anna Kendrick in the smash hit film) is routinely making the rounds. You don’t want to miss getting a photo with her, now do you?

For others, it will be the Minions—actually, for quite a few folks it is the Minions!

Many of you have had quite enough of that uber-catchy track from the first Madagascar movie, but not this guy. The moment I Like to Move It comes on, regardless of where I am, dancing will commence. In a car? No problem, car seat dance is on like Donkey Kong! On a plane? I have no fear of making a fool of myself doing a little bust a move at 30,000 feet! So, you can imagine my thrill at coming across King Julien himself walking around the park. Had to snap a pic of me and the African jam master!

Yeah, I was a little star struck… and it was undoubtedly a fantastic way to finish out my day in a place that if I was tasked with only using one word to describe it, would be easy.
