The Big Lebowski Limited Edition 4K 20th Anniversary Package: It’ll Tie the Room Together!

For the first time ever, a beloved flick, The Big Lebowski, is getting the 4K upgrade and it is nothing short of sensational. The bells and whistles that comes with it only add to the awesomeness that is this 20th anniversary release of the Coen Brothers classic.

The 4K upgrade looks sensational, which is especially impressive during certain sequences that utilize such a vast color scheme—you know the ones I’m speaking of. Then, there’s the sound quality that is through the roof astounding. But I’m getting ahead of myself in terms of looking at this entire package that would make The Dude smile.

Jeff Bridges is The Dude and he (like so many Coen Brothers’ characters) has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle. He as been mistaken for a millionaire, aka Lebowski, and that sucks him into a web of intrigue (and hilarity) that has this most frequently mind-altered individual (who enjoys his white Russians) looking around wondering if he has slipped into someone’s crazy idea of a joke. All he wants is restitution for his beloved carpet that got soiled.

With the help of his bowling buddies (or should we say hindrance), the Dude is going to figure this entire mess of an affair out… even if it kills him.

The cast is sublime, beyond Bridges. John Goodman established an iconic character with his turn as Walter. Then there is Steve Buscemi’s Donny (FU, Donny!), John Turturro’s tonguey Jesus Quintana, Julianne Moore’s Maude Lebowski, Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s Brant, Tara Reid’s Bunny Lebowski, and of course who could forget the man himself, the “titular” character David Huddleston’s The Big Lebowski.

This twisted crime-comedy has arrived in the most pristine of formats for the legions of fans—who have even started conventions across the country to celebrate the Coens’ work. And that is not all for this 20th anniversary release. There is a set, which we got to review, that will send your spirits soaring.

The 4K Ultra HD, Blu-Ray and digital movie arrived with Bridges’ classic character’s mug front and center, with a great reflection in his glasses of his beloved rug… you know the one that started this entire nefarious adventure. The whole thing comes in, you guessed it, a blowing bag adorned with the title of the movie. The leather white and red bag is a keeper and for those fans who have been to a Lebowski Fest or two… imagine showing up at the next one with this bowling bag in tow? Good stuff…

Also included is a mini version of The Dude’s sweater (which in the package was wrapped around the 4K Ultra HD), which looks mighty nice tacked to the wall in my office! Then, if there couldn’t be anymore that would send a Lebowski fan racing to buy this two-decades in the making release, there is a pen and pencil holder—in the shape of a red bowling ball! Hello! The movie’s logo adorns the treasure to anybody’s desk. Where there should be finger holes for bowling, sit your favorite writing utensils.

The entire package is pure joy and from opening it, laying out all the included The Big Lebowski swag and popping the gorgeous movie on your 4K TV, might we suggest pouring a white Russian while enjoying the whole Lebowski experience.

The thing that is so special about this entire collector’s set is that everyone knows someone (besides themselves we’re sure) who absolutely adores this movie and cannot get enough of uttering quotes from the Coens’ flick for the last two decades. Holidays are coming, people, and for fans of The Big Lebowski, there could be no better gift.

When it comes to bonus features, The Dude’s Life is the one you will want to turn to first. This is a fantastic featurette that finds Bridges, Goodman, Moore, Buscemi and Turturro looking back at their work with two decades of reflection. It’s a fascinating piece, especially the part where each reacts to lines they delivered all those years ago that have permeated popular culture’s radar to the point that it is passed on to different generations.

There is a “older” feature, “The Dude Abides” that shows the cast at the 10th anniversary. What’s interesting is how subtracting a decade from the new featurette finds the perspective simultaneously different and yet the resonance of the movie itself is firmly the same—like it is for all of us who enjoy it yearly.

For those who want to go deeper into how the Coens made a movie masterpiece, check out Making of The Big Lebowski and gather insight that is utterly priceless.

As we mentioned, Lebowski Fests have permeated the landscape in the last 20 years. Want to experience one? Then you do not want to miss The Lebowski Fest: An Achiever’s Story: Bask in the glory of his Dudeness and become a fly on the wall of an event that takes place each year and is attended by thousands upon thousands. There’s a lot of love for The Dude.

The dream sequences in The Big Lebowski are sensational, especially with this 4K upgrade. The color palette and richness is uncanny. Flying Carpets and Bowling Pin Dreams: The Dream Sequences of The Dude is something that must be seen, especially after witnessing the new 4K upgrade. Looking back at how they achieved these iconic scenes is mesmerizing.

Another interesting featurette is Interactive Map. Take a tour of the locations made famous in the beloved cult classic and see how they have aged in the last 20 years.

Lastly, do not miss Jeff Bridges Photo Book. Bridges is a phenomenal photographer and he has documented his set experiences for years now. He has graciously included his shots from the making of The Big Lebowski and it is a marvel of the highest order. If this whole acting thing doesn’t work out, we think The Dude could easily be a photog!

Movie Grade: A+
Bonus Features: A