Glass First Look: M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable & Split Sequel

Split was one of our favorite movies of 2016 and it featured M. Night Shyamalan returning to his tauntingly terrific form.

What else it did was deliver one of the filmmakers iconic twists in the form of revealing that the appeared to be a stand-alone film was in fact a follow-up to his stunning 2000 flick Unbreakable.

EW has gotten their hands on the first images from Glass, the third film in the series, and it has only raised our anticipation level exponentially.

James McAvoy portrayed the evil Kevin Wendell Crumb in Split and from these first images, our curiosity has us wondering how he, Samuel L. Jackson’s Elijah Price (aka Mr. Glass) and Bruce Willis’ David Dunn all wind up in the same institution, chained and confined to a chair.

Sarah Paulson, who is amazing in everything she does, joins the cast as the psychiatrist who is treating the talented trio who believe they are characters out of a comic book. Sure, we believe you. Actually, we do!

Look for Glass on January 28, 2019. It also features the return of Split star Anya Taylor-Joy.

Stay tuned for the trailer. We suspect it will premiere during Comic-Con.