The Top Films of Last 25 Years: Ranked by IMDB Users!

IMDB users are a pretty savvy bunch of cinematic fans who appreciate film for what it can do best — transport us through compelling stories told by rich filmmakers and talented casts. So, when the internet movie site announced it had compiled a list of the best movies of the last 25 years, broken down by year, as voted on by its readership, we were intrigued and figured their ideas of the “best picture” of each year might be different than the ones that won that golden statue known as Oscar.


Too true!

The list starts with 1990 and the best film of that year was voted to be Goodfellas. Seeing as that is The Movie Mensch’s favorite movie of all time, we could not have agreed more. We still think it is one of the great Oscar crimes of the last century that Dances with Wolves beat that Martin Scorsese flick for Best Picture. Glad to see IMDB users agree with us.

It also appears that IMDB readers, again like us here at The Movie Mensch, are huge fans of Quentin Tarantino. They named his 1992 debut film Reservoir Dogs the best movie of that year, along with 2009’s Inglourious Basterds and 2012’s Django Unchained – both great choices. Think they’re looking forward to The Hateful Eight?

What else is fascinating is how the Academy awarded The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Best Picture in 2003 as almost a collective Best Picture for the whole series, but IMDB users anointed each individual Lord of the Rings film the best of its respective year.

Before we over-analyze and give away too much of the list… here is the list of best movies by year by the esteemed voters of IMDB.

IMDB Users Top Rated Movies By Year

2014: Interstellar

2013: The Wolf of Wall Street

2012: Django Unchained

2011: Intouchables

2010: Inception

2009: Inglourious Basterds

2008: The Dark Knight

2007: Into the Wild

2006: The Departed

2005: Batman Begins

2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

2003: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

2002: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

2001: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

2000: Memento

1999: Fight Club

1998: Saving Private Ryan

1997: Life Is Beautiful

1996: Fargo

1995: Se7en

1994: The Shawshank Redemption

1993: Schindler’s List

1992: Reservoir Dogs

1991: The Silence of the Lambs

1990: Goodfellas